1. Scam Slaves
You ever get those annoying messages and emails from scammers pretending to be your kids in need of cash? Or trying to get you to invest in crypto? Plenty of my subscribers have told me about scammers in my comments who use my user name and photo, and leave a number for people to message them on or call. Then, they pretend to be me to extract money from you.
I can't get rid of them. But I will never ask you to call or message me, and certainly wouldn't leave my number in a public place like a YouTube comment. If there is something I want to ask you, I'm likely to ask you to come and leave a comment here or to tag me on Twitter so we can talk. I unfortunately had to stop posting my email address, and closed my DMs to the public on Twitter and Instagram because I was spending hours and hours every day responding. Somehow, I still am!
When I interviewed the brilliant investigative journalist Lindsey Kennedy (above), I came to sympathise with these scammers. Yes, they may be taking my name, and trying to hoodwink my subscribers. Yes, it may lose me trust with my viewers, and may even ruin the lives of some (I really hope not, though).
But what Lindsey revealed to me is that these scammers are themselves victims of some of the most horrific human rights abuses imaginable. They're kept as tortured sex slaves in mafia-run former casino compounds, after being lured in under false promises of jobs. If they don't get at least five new scam catches per day, they're severely beaten and tortured.
That'll be out next week as an episode. But man...that one stayed with me.
2. Why Incest Doesn't Work
Another episode out next week is with former The Order cult member Amanda Rae. She grew up in an extreme polygamous sect where people regularly marry their half siblings. It appears that it is just 'half' siblings, so full sibling couples are still rare. Even so, Amanda told me she definitely noticed a difference in intelligence - those born from half siblings are considerable less well-adjusted to society, and perform worse in exams.
In fact, they're also far more likely to be infertile, which Amanda sees - half jokingly - as God's way of telling them that what they're doing is plain wrong.
The scientific reason for the physical deformities is: Since relatives share a higher proportion of their genes than do unrelated people, it is more likely that related parents will both be carriers of the same recessive allele, and therefore their children are at a higher risk of inheriting an autosomal recessive genetic disorder.
A famous example of this is the Whitakers family, who sadly live with all kinds of deformities.
3. People Are Watching Me
Of course, when you're a YouTuber, this is generally a good thing.
Last week, I wrote about the cult that is currently harassing me for information and trying to get me to take down the video about them. This week (thanks Terri for showing me!), Piers Morgan mentioned my podcast with Richard Dawkins. Piers referenced how Dawkins had called him 'a fool' and been disingenuous with him. I feel bad because I made the title and thumbnail around that 'fool' comment as I knew it'd get more views (and it has done, more than 600,000!).
It's weird though, because for 2-3 years, I just said lots of stuff, and sort of threw it out to the internet without reply. Meghan this, Tom Cruise that. But this week, famous British TV presenter Davina McCall and her partner Michael Douglas (not that one!) talked up my channel on their own podcast. That was the cool side of these things...However, just last week, one of the sex scandal celebrity suspects got in touch through a mutual friend to ask me to stop criticising him.
It certainly makes me pause.
This is the week that Russell Brand has been talking about the new 'surveillance' bill, and Laurence Fox was arrested for saying he was going to smash up the new ULEZ cameras in London. Phillip Schofield's old TV partner Holly Willoughby has been followed by a crazed stalker.
We're all watching each other, it seems.
As for me, I find myself in a difficult situation. I don't want to be an ambulance chaser who succeeds when these people fuck up. But I also don't like the idea of a media outlet - alternative or mainstream, individual or corporate - choosing not to report cases of extreme abuse by elite figures.
I'm not sure this new awareness and reach will necessarily change how I report. But I'll be aware that the people I'm talking about are starting to talk back!
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