Each week, I try to take an alternative glance at what I've learned. Not the same old boring opinions you'd find elsewhere!
1. The Silver Lining of Polygamy
We tend to look at polygamy as an outdated and patriarchal vestige of cults and extreme religions. In fact, some consider it a form of abuse. In most cases, it is exactly that. But while interviewing ex-FLDS member Ceci Hendrickson, I came to realise that her childhood - with several moms - wasn't so bad.
The full interview is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejXnla4Rftk&t=192s&ab_channel=AndrewGold
One of the moms was really her aunt, and others came at the behest of her dad. In her mind, things really went wrong when she was a young teen, and Warren Jeffs replaced his father as the head of the FLDS (Fundamentalist Latter-Day Saints).
The FLDS broke away from the Mormon Church when Mormons stopped practicing polygamy. So, it's a pretty fundamental part of the...fundamentalist...version of the LDS.
The accounts I've heard have been generally awful, with women expected to work and look after dozens of kids. This is their only role in such families, aside from to provide the man with sex. But I was fascinated to learn that Ceci actually enjoyed her childhood in a polygamous family.
Still, I wouldn't recommend it!
2. Meghan won't CHER her Insta handle
We thought she'd gone into the shadows, following the terrible reaction to her podcast, the public shaming of her and Harry as 'fucking grifters' by a Spotify exec, and the South Park humiliation.
But rumours about her return to the big screen have been accompanied by a mysterious Instagram account with the name @meghan. I learned this week that when they got their Royal Sussex account, it was stolen from a football fan who supported a team nicknamed the Royals and who lived in Sussex!
The same appears to have happened to whoever had the account name of @meghan. While it is possible the original @meghan sold her username to the Duchess of Sussex, the likliehood is that Instagram again simply plucked it from the original user to profer to Meghan like a crown of jewels.
Watch my 30-minute livestream about this:
Given how much she stands to make from brands - a reported $1m per post - just think how much the original @meghan could have sold it for! This also goes to show that Meghan is launching a rebrand, not only as a sole name (like Cher, Madonna or Beyonce), but a sole...trader. She's been spotted for months now without her ring. It is claimed it is being repaired.
Either way, things don't look great for the marriage! But at least she's famous now...
3. I'm stupid, not devious!
I posted about this on YouTube, but quite a few people - after I publicised my new Locals page - replied angrily that it was charging them $50 for a year's subscription. I had said that a lot of the content on here is free, and so I was called a liar. As many of you know, much of the content on here is free - they just hadn't clicked the right part.
I always turn to Hanlon's Razor in these situations. 'Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity'. The point here is that we often react emotionally, and assume somebody has lied to us. A lie is an act of deliberate commission (as opposed to accidental omission).
Somebody in the comments changed the quote to 'explained by misunderstanding'. And i think that's better than stupidity. So in that spirit, let us all be a little more understanding of our misunderstandings, and only reach for the 'liar' word when all other avenues are exhausted!
Did you enjoy my 3 things I learned? Shall I continue next week? Here's last week's one about Flat Earth and cognitive bias.